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Shape the future legacy campaign

Some members of our wider community are at the stage in life when they begin to consider what their final legacy will be. Once family and friends are appropriately remembered, thoughts often turn to charities and institutions which figure prominently in a person’s life. For many, the years spent at school are some of the most significant and life-forming times.  Pledging a legacy provides you with the chance to make a charitable gift in your will, which has no cost to you during your lifetime.

You can support the Shape the Future Legacy Campaign by letting us know you have included Pocklington School in your Will. If you are happy to do this, we will invite you to become a member of our legacy society, the 1514 club.  Members of the 1514 Club are invited to attend special annual events including the Commemoration of Benefactors service.

For examples of recent fee assistance recipients click here 

If you would like to make a donation now, visit the Bursary Campaign page here.

To express an interest in joining our 1514 Club by pledging a Legacy: